First, make sure postgresql is running!!! Follow the steps below to make sure your database is setup correctly.
The current upgrade scripts support upgrading from 0.44 to the current release. If you are upgrading from versions prior to 0.47, you will need to run the reindex.php file after completing the upgrade. If you do have problems, feel free to email me at
If you are using sendmail, make sure the sendmail service is running on your system. If you are not using sendmail, but are using php's imap support, you need to make sure the mail service that came with your system is running.
I'm finding all databases seem to have their place. I can appreciate everyone's position that they want their favorite database supported. I'm the same way with other applications and Postgresql. But, as I develop more and more, I'm finding I can provide better support by putting my focus into one database, instead of spreading it thin by trying to support multiple databases. Because Postgresql by default already supports all the features I require, and implements them well, I have selected to use it.
Well, it's not anymore! If you're running 8.0 or later, tsearch2 backup/restore should be straight forward. For 7.4.x versions of postgresql, there is a file called reprocedure_update.sql in the DocMGR scripts/ directory which I obtained directly from the tsearch2 website. Running it on the docmgr database with a "./psql -d docmgr -f ./regprocedure_update.sql" will update docmgr's database to allow regular database dumps and restoration. Note, when restoring a tsearch2 database dump (after the above patch is applied), perform the following steps:
Tsearch2 allows for a much more accurate search and retrieval capability within DocMGR. It allows for search ranking, faster searches on larger databases, and extended boolean search capabilities (nested boolean searches, for one). It's just plain better than the PHP based indexing system that is stock with DocMGR.
I'm going to have to recommend xpdf here. In my experience, XPDF pulls content from files faster, and allows the retrieval of text from overlayed pdfs, which ghostscript does not. It also deskews the pdfs before gocr ocrs them, if you are ocring encapsulated pdfs.
Unfortunately, no. Many of the utilities DocMGR uses are unix only. You might be able to get them to work by compiling them in cygwin and adding them to your path, but it's going to be painful. IIS also isn't very reliable in calling external programs from php, in my experience.
Grab the English.php file from the lang/ directory and translate it. You will also need to add the new language file in the file. Please don't forget to email me the file so I may include the translation in the next release. Please view the Language page for more information.