DocMGR Todo List (as of version 0.50)

Completed WebDAV support

WebDAV was completely rewritten using the Pear WebDAV implementation. It still needs some work before it can be considered complete. We've come a long way since 0.49 as far as client support goes. But, we now need to be able to lock files for editing. I feel like the entire uploading process needs to be made faster, as well.

Finish Workflow

We have a base, but the route creation needs help. We also need the ability to save routes as templates for selections later.

Category Tree

Currently, we have the ability for collections to have multiple parents. However, we can't implement this because I can't get the tree to work properly if a collection has two parents. This either needs to be made to work, or a complete tree redesign needs to happen. I'm open to suggestions.

Email to DocMGR

We should be able to email files into a public folder in the system. Maybe even allow specific routing by email address.

DISCLAIMER: I cannot be held responsible for any data loss/system corruption that occurs as a result of using this program.

Copyright 2001. This software is distributed under Version 2 of the GNU General Public License. See License for more details